Not-for-Profit InsuranceRed Line

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Non-profit insurance is specifically designed to protect non-profits & charities.

Despite good intentions, non-profit organizations and charities are not immune to potential claims or lawsuits related to professional activities and business operations.

Not-for-profit insurance is specifically designed to protect non-profits and charities against claims alleging bodily injury, fiduciary liability and professional malpractice.

Do non-profit organizations need insurance? The answer is yes. There are elements of non-profit organizations and charities that make them susceptible to claims and lawsuits. You need insurance if:

  • You have an office space, or you visit your client’s office space or home
  • You have staff and volunteers who conduct business off-site
  • Your work involves collaboration with third-parties, including employees, volunteers, vulnerable persons, and vendors
  • You host special events
  • You store important or confidential data
  • You, your staff, or your volunteers provide advice or offer services
  • Your business has a board or advisory

Each non-profit or charity organization is unique, and as such, the coverage required for your business is unique.

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