Think you're better than the
average driver? Prove it!
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Introducing my DriveTM
The my DriveTM program helps you get rewarded for your safe driving and provides personalized tips to improve your driving habits. You can save up to 25% on your car insurance* by driving safely.
You automatically get a one-time 10% discount when you sign up in the program*. Your discount is then updated every six months based on how safely you drive.
Let’s take the road together with my DriveTM.
Introducing Intellidrive
IntelliDrive is a 90-day program that uses a smartphone app to monitor your driving performance. By enrolling, you could save on your car insurance policy’s first term. At renewal, safe driving habits can lead to savings of up to 30%, while riskier driving habits may result in a higher premium.
Learn More About Telematics
contact us nowYour Safety Score is based on 3 main factors:
Safe Speed
Driving within the speed
limits at all time.
Smooth braking
and smooth acceleration.
Keeping your focus on the road
and avoiding phone use limits.
By adopting safe driving habits,
you could save up to 25% on your car insurance.
Get a quote now
How Telematics Helps You
- Get a personalized dashboard with your driving stats in real-time
- Optimize your driving based on customized tips
- See how you compare to others
- Keep track of your Safety Score to understand how safely you drive
Join Telematics now!
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