Rising Trend Of Vehicle Thefts - Orr Insurance & Investment


The Rising Trend of Vehicle Thefts: How to Protect Yourself and Your Vehicle

In 2021, there were approximately 83,416 vehicles stolen across Canada; that number escalated to an alarming 105,673 in 2022, according to Statistics Canada. With vehicle theft rapidly on the rise all over Canada, many Canadians are left wondering how they can respond to this growing issue.

Luckily, there are a number of actions that you can take to reduce the chances of your vehicle being stolen. Keep reading to learn how to protect yourself and your vehicle amidst the rising rates of auto theft.  

Why Vehicle Thefts Are On the Rise

One of the biggest questions surrounding the rising trends in vehicle theft is, “why is it occurring to begin with?”. The answer to this lies in the motivations of the thieves themselves. According to Michael Slack, director of auto theft for Equite Association, the vehicle thieves, “Are not young people who are stealing cars for joyrides or a group that might steal a car in order to utilize it in a secondary offense, these are professional criminals that have professional networks.” Once stolen, the cars are then placed in shipping containers and transported overseas to be resold.

The type of vehicles most likely to be stolen also contributes to the growing theft rates. In Equite Association’s investigation into the top 10 most commonly stolen vehicles, there is a certain trend amongst these highly targeted vehicles. The top models being targeted are all equipped with keyless entry remotes, making them susceptible to electronic auto theft. Once a criminal organization has been successful in bypassing the security of a vehicle, they will then be able to repeat the process for other makes/models in the area, further exacerbating the problem.

How to Protect Yourself and Your Vehicle From Theft

As auto thefts rise, the most important concern remains how to protect yourself and your vehicle from theft. Here are the best actionable security measures you can take to prevent your vehicle from being stolen:

Park in a Garage or Lit Areas

The first layer of deterrence you can practice is to make your vehicle a less desirable target. Parking in a secure location like a garage puts your vehicle out of obvious sight and adds a physical barrier between your car and potential thieves. This makes your car a far less attractive prospect due to the additional time and obstacles involved.

If you don’t have access to a garage or other location to store your vehicle, aim to park in areas that are within open sight and are well-lit throughout the day and night.

Secure Keys

Electronic key fobs provide criminals with a means to take control of your vehicle within seconds. The low-frequency signal emitted by your key fob can be hijacked by thieves and reprogrammed to give them access to the car’s computer.  

You can prevent this by keeping your key fob away from your front door, windows, and car. Storing your keys inside a metal container, aluminum foil, or signal-blocking pouch are effective ways to block the signal from being sent to your car’s computer.

Steering Wheel Locks

One of the most reliable anti-theft devices for cars is the steering wheel lock. Applying this device to your steering wheel will lock its positioning, rendering the vehicle unable to drive. These devices also act as a deterrent by their existence alone, if a thief notices the steering lock, they will likely ignore your vehicle altogether.

Data Port Blockers 

Port blockers, whether electronic or physical, can prevent thieves from reprogramming your car’s key fob. This makes reselling the vehicle more difficult, which is the primary motive behind most car thieves in Canada. Port blockers also prevent other vehicle operations from being performed by criminals.

Tracking Devices

Installing a tracking device onto your vehicle is one of the best ways to ensure location and recovery in the event that it is stolen. The TAG (Theft Avoidance and GPS) device accomplishes this task better than any other GPS on the market. By combining cutting-edge technology and real-time tracking, your vehicle is far more likely to be found and recovered.

Tracking devices like TAG might also provide you with discounts and benefits on your car insurance policy. Many insurers are seeking to incentivize policyholders into installing this added layer of security by offering reduced premiums and subsidization of installation costs. Some insurance providers are even mandating the installation of TAG on vehicles that are most commonly stolen. You may also be able to work this condition into a use-based insurance policy for individual discounts.

What to Do if Your Vehicle is Stolen

In the event that your vehicle is stolen, here are the steps that you should immediately take:

  1. Report it to the police as soon as possible. The faster you can alert the police to your situation, the higher the chance you have of your car being identified and recovered. 
  2. Contact your vehicle manufacturer to determine if your car can be located via satellite, radio, or other means. If you have a TAG tracking device installed, reach out to the Tag Tracking Center immediately.
  3. Report the incident to your insurance company and follow their loss procedure.
  4. Take inventory of the items that were inside of your car when it was stolen. If you had any identification or documents with personal information, you may want to take further actions toward preventing identity theft or fraud.

Lasting Protection

Ultimately, protecting your vehicle from auto theft means making it a less attractive target for potential thieves. This is done by increasing the time, effort, and obstacles involved in the process of stealing your vehicle.

Although taking the necessary precautions is the best way to prevent vehicle theft, there is still no absolute way to guarantee that your vehicle will not be targeted. To ensure the lasting protection of your vehicle, you may want to consider an insurance policy that provides coverage in the event of a theft.

Request a quote today for comprehensive theft coverage and car insurance in Stratford.

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